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ANSI/EASA Standard AR100-2020: 旋转电气设备维修推荐规程

  • 2020年9月
  • 视图数:59242
  • 物品等级:4.1

ANSI / EASA ar100 - 2020EASA’s “旋转电气设备维修推荐规程” is designated ANSI/EASA AR100 and was first approved as an American National standard in 1998. 此后又四次修订通过, in 2001, 2006, 2010, 2015年,现在是2020年. 

ANSI/EASA AR100是旋转电机维修的必备指南. Its purpose is to establish recommended practices in each step of the rotating electrical apparatus rewinding and rebuilding processes.

本文档描述了记录保存的范围, 测试, 感应修复的分析和一般指南, 同步和直流旋转电器. It is not intended to take the place of the customer's or the machine manufacturer's specific instructions or specifications or specific accepted and applicable industry standards or recommended practices.

This document should be supplemented by additional requirements applicable to specialized rotating electrical apparatus including, 但不限于, 列出防爆, dust-ignition证明, and other listed machines for hazardous locations; and specific or additional requirements for hermetic motors, 氢冷机, 潜水电机, 牵引电机, 或1E级核发动机.

ANSI recognizes only one standard on a topic; therefore, ANSI/EASA AR100是美国旋转电气设备维修标准.的 Recommended Practice is an important publication to distribute both internally and to customers.

This document is available as a 免费的 download (see links below) or printed copies may be purchased from EASA's online store in the near future.

下载ar100 - 2020 购买印刷本

欧洲航空安全局技术服务委员会 (TSC) reviews the recommended practice and proposes changes; a canvass group approves and often comments on the TSC proposals. 拉票小组有来自服务中心的代表, 最终用户, 测试实验室, 政府和具有普遍利益的人. Per ANSI requirements, there must be balanced representation among the canvass group representatives. 在游说小组和TSC达成共识后, 修订后的文件由EASA董事会批准. Following Board approval, ANSI is requested to approve the revision as an American National Standard. 整个过程必须在上次修订后的五年内完成. 

2020年版AR100包含40多个修订. 在这里, 我们将重点关注更重要的变化, 注于条款顺序, 以及做出这些改变的一些原因. 还将注意到这些变化与欧洲航空安全局认证计划之间的联系. 

1.6端子引线: 添加注释, “如果机器有服务因素, 端子引线应按业务因数电流额定值.“这是许多汽车制造商采用的做法. For example, if a motor had a full load current rating of 100 amps and a service factor of 1.15, 服务因数电流约为115安培, 引线尺寸将基于115安培值. 

1.9冷却系统: Added a new sentence: “的 locations of air baffles and 任何 stator end winding spacers that are utilized for guiding airflow should be documented prior to 任何 stator winding removal to allow duplication within a replacement winding.” This applies to stator rewinds and helps ensure that the cooling airflow is not reduced during the rewind process. Effective August 2021, this will be a requirement in the 认证 Program Checklist item 3. 冷却系统.

2.5.1旋转元件: 这个句子, “的 outer diameter of the rotating element laminations should be true and concentric with the bearing journals,已被替换为, “的 runout of the rotating element core outside diameter relative to the bearing journals should not exceed 5 percent of the average radial air gap, or 0.003” (0.08 mm),取较小的值.” 的 new text is independent of the number of poles in a machine and is in line with tolerances used by motor manufacturers. 

3.1.2热保护器或传感器: 前者第3条.为了清晰起见,增加了9. 它的州, “替换恒温器, 电阻温度检测器(rtd), thermocouples and thermistors should be identical with or equivalent to the originaldevices in electrical and thermal characteristics and placed at the same locations in the winding. 的rmal protectors or sensors should be removed or omitted only with customer consent and documented in the repair record.移动文本的原因是3.9除以3.12是将热保护器和传感器的主题放在一个条款中. 自3.删除第9条,第3节的其余条款从以前的第3条开始.10个重新编号. 

  表4-2 40℃时推荐的最小绝缘电阻值: This table and Table 4-1 were unnumbered in previous editions of AR100, including the 2015 edition. 为了清晰和编辑的一致性,现在对这两个表进行编号. 在第4节末尾的表被重新编号. A substantive technical change was that the minimum insulation resistance for all armatures is now IR1min = 5, 它与2013年版的IEEE 43保持一致. 

4.2.4形式绕组定子浪涌试验.2.所有其他绕组浪涌试验: 这两个条款各增加了两段相同的段落. 的 first paragraph explains how a surge pattern distinguishes between a satisfactory and unsatisfactory 测试 result. 的 second paragraph explains that surge 测试 results can be influenced by multiple factors, 对电涌试验结果的分析是主观的.  

表4-3表格线圈新绕组浪涌试验电压: This is a new table that provides surge 测试 voltage levels for machines rated from 400 to 13800 volts in accordance with IEEE 522 and IEC 60034-15. 的 notes below the table provide 测试 levels for uncured resin-rich or dry (green) VPI coils, 修复后的绕组的维护测试等级.


 4.3.定子和绕线转子绕组: 这个条款增加了两个注释. 的y are: “Per CSA C392 the resistance unbalance limit for random windings should be 2% from the average, 从平均1%的形式线圈绕组,”,, “一些同心绕组可能超过2%的限制.” 的se notes add resistance balance tolerances and provide guidance for assessing resistive unbalance with concentric windings.新绕组: 这个句子, 倒带后立即, when equipment is installed or assembled and a high-potential 测试 of the entire assembly is required, 建议测试电压不超过原测试电压的80%,已被替换为, 倒带后立即, 当需要对绕组进行高电位测试时, 建议测试电压不超过原测试电压的80%.“变更的主要原因是AR100是一份维修文件, 不是安装指南或标准. 

的 work of the 技术 Services Committee to revise and improve AR100 is a continual process. 在一两年之内,修订过程将成为安全理事会的一个积极议程项目. AR100的首要目标之一是包含尽可能多的良好实践. 进一步, 当需要或有必要为认证计划增加新的良好做法时, AR100是导管. 的 reason for this approach is that AR100 is the primary source document for the EASA认证 Program. 

由于AR100是定期修订的,因此它是一份“活文件”.“AR100的变化不仅有助于认证计划, its good practices and other guidance help enable service centers to provide quality repairs that maintain or sometimes even improve rotating electrical apparatus reliability and energy efficiency.






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ANSI / EASA ar100 - 2020

ANSI/EASA AR100-2015封面

这是修理旋转电机的必备指南. Its purpose is to establish recommended practices in each step of the rotating electrical apparatus rewinding and rebuilding processes.


Descargar - espaÑol



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